viernes, 13 de abril de 2012

747-8F Freighter Gray Engine Smoke

Boeing 747-8F Freighter Gray Engine Smoke effect (or white airshow engine smoke effect so you can wow them at Oshkosh) for the freeware Project Open Sky B747-8F when used in FSX. Requires previous installation of a POSKY 747-8F, such as the N5017Q model in rollout colors (NEWPOSKY748FWVC.ZIP). Easy installation.

Smoke System Adjustment for Dassault Falcon 50 FSX

Smoke System Adjustment For Dassault Falcon 50 version 1.1 (2011) by Yannick Lavigne, Fred Banting, Rob Young, Eric Dantes, Andre, Ludovic, Gilles, Loic, Philippe Wallaert, Don Bodenstedt (and probably others as well). This adjustment moves the three smoke trails to the proper locations at the three engines' exhaust ports.

Ushuaia-SAWH (FS2004)

Ushuaia-SAWH (FS2004)

DC-9 Sky Simulations (FS2004)

FS Commander 9.6 Update
